Running sample code

You can run the sample notebooks provided in the course repository locally on your machine or in the Google colab. If you are new to Google colab, I suggest you read through it here.

Running code locally

You may open the sample Jupyter notebooks locally in your Jupyter lab environment. In all lessons that include walkthrough or demo, I will show you the location of the sample notebook. For exercises, the solution notebook location will be mentioned at the end of the instructions.

Running code on Google Colab

Google Colab, short for “Google Colaboratory,” is a free, cloud-based platform that allows you to write and execute Python code in a Jupyter notebook environment directly from your browser. It’s designed for data science, machine learning, and deep learning tasks and is especially useful for those who may not have access to powerful hardware.

You may run the sample code in Google colab. The only catch is that you will have to install the required packages, everytime you start a new session on colab.

You MUST be logged into Google to use the Jupyter notebooks in Google Colab.

You will be able to open the sample notebooks in Google Colab, using the following two methods:

1. You will find the Open in Colab button in the solution section of the exercise/project description. Clicking on the button will open the notebook in Colab. E.g., check out the solution section for Exercise#1 Neural Networks

Open In Colab

2. Upload the notebook code to Google colab This method involves opening the Google Coab site and then uploading the notebook from the course repository.