Exercise#2 Create & publish dataset


  • Create a dataset with ’train’ & ‘validation’ split for model pre-training experimentation

  • The total number of rows in the dataset will be miniscule part of the dataset wikimedia/wikipedia. The size of the original dataset is roughly 72 GB

  • In the original dataset there are multiple configs, each for different language. You will use just the config wikipedia/20220301.en


  1. Load the dataset wikipedia/20220301.en
  2. Create a split with 0.01% of the original data in the ’train’ split
    • We will use ONLY the ’test’ split i.e., 0.01% of original data
  3. Pre-process : Break wiki paragraphs into sentences
    • Each row in the original dataset is a large text blob (one or more paragraphs)
    • Sentences from the same paragraph will have common attributes [id, url, title]
    • Do NOT shuffle the dataset
  4. Split the dataset into [train, validation] with [90%, 10%] split
  5. Upload dataset to HF e.g., I pushed it to acloudfan/wikismall


Dataset on HF Hub

Checkout the final dataset at acloudfan/wikismall



Google colab

  • Make sure to follow instructions for setting up packages
Open In Colab